We build a unique portfolio of stable and proven technology companies.

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Our companies.

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Pikrtova 1737/1a
140 00 Praha 4 –Nusle
Enterprise building


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Code of ethics.

The Code of Ethics defines the standards for the behavior and actions of employees of Thein Group companies, which are established by the Labor Code, applicable legal and internal regulations. The aim of the Code is to protect the basic rules of decent behavior of the Thein group with regard to the conditions of morality and to promote such ethical values ​​that are based on the principle of human dignity.

These principles respect and recognize all people as unique and equal beings.

Everyone needs to take into account in their actions that other people, employees, suppliers and customers have human needs, rights, freedoms and interests like themselves.

You can use the email address: etickakomise@thein.eu to notify the Ethics Commission


Thein Group fulfils its legal obligations under Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on Whistleblower Protection, as amended.