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We have had many successes: take a look at the most important of them.


Our success is primarily based on the high qualifications and many years of experience of our business staff.

Our team.

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Let's meet.

Železniční dodavatelská s.r.o.

Pikrtova 1737/1a
140 00 Praha 4 –Nusle
Budova Enterprise

IN: 27181081
TIN: CZ27181081

File number: C 102465 

maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague

Commercial register


Business premises

Boleslavská třída 1765
288 56 Nymburk
Česká republika


Diesel locomotives

Kateřina Rýdlová
tel.: +420 702 151 420

Miroslav Vanický 
tel.:+420 725 596 783


Production (diesel and electric locomotives)

Dalibor Javůrek 
tel.:+420 602 495 853
email: dalibor.javurek@zeleznicni.cz

Eastern countries (Ukraine, Bělarus, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia)

Radka Effenbergerová 
tel.: +420 724 876 990
email: radka.effenbergerova@zeleznicni.cz 




Milan Janošek 
tel.: +420 607 018 214
email: milan.janosek@zeleznicni.cz 

Electric locomotives

Jan Vanický
tel.: +420 702 151 425
email: jan.vanicky@zeleznicni.cz